Saturday, March 13, 2010

Snapshot Saturday

Still in the process of getting up to date but here is Katrina's challenge

We spend a lot of time on our blogs sharing photos of others - our families, friends, pets. When not sharing photos of the people we love, we share photos of the things we love - dinner, our garden, places we go.
For this week's Snapshot Saturday share a photo of yourself.
Perhaps a reflection.

I was with Jane's sentiment which was "Ye gods Katrina what are you doing to us". Then I checked out Jill Dater's effort/entry and thought "Aaah... I can go back into the annals of time and use the one I took in Chicago pre-grey hair!

Actually I had grey hair it was just hidden by the dye! It wasn't that I was worried it's just that it was very very bright light with all that sunshine and reflection hence the slight squinty sneer.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Love the red, Celia, but the gray is very becoming, too. I love my gray hair. I figure I earned it if nothing else!! Those kids were hard on me!! LOL But honestly, I feel more real with my gray hair!!

Love this pic!

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