Monday, September 14, 2009

A Sunday Stroll

Decided to start to start the day with a stroll and check out the venue for the Video Music Awards- Radio City Music Hall. 

Walking along 48th St towards 6th Avenue the view just capture my imagination

The poster and image of John Lennon juxtaposed against the New York skyline appealed

The signs of the times... 
not being too active on Twitter myself but it obviously now requires much more acknowledgement and technical support!

On part of my journey back home this phalanx of police officers were getting their orders for the day. I guess they were to manage the crowds expected for the awards. 

The "first lost hat of the season"- lost hats, scarves and gloves are a part of winter which is obviously fast approaching.

the walk over the rest of the day required washing and packing and then the first of the Fall season theatre events. 
A Steady Rain stars Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig. The play is a new American play by Keith Huff and tells the story of two Chicago cops who are lifelong friends and their different harrowing accounts of days that change their lives forever. It was fabulous! They were both so powerful on stage- in command of the audience.... and not just great to look at but fabulous to watch them tell the story. The story itself was violent and amazing how one can  feel and experience the violence and be horrified by it without actually having to see it.


1 comment:

Barb said...

Well now, what a sweet little gumdrop I got when I opened up Google Reader as I started my lunch and found not one but 3 blog entries from you!! Wonderful lunch reading!!!

Love the hat report! I look forward to such "talllyings" of the season!!! Lost item #1!!!

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