Sunday, December 19, 2010

Daze Eighteen December

Will there be enough hours in the day or days in the year? For what I hear you say? For doing all that this day's reverb10 prompt has prompted!
What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn't go for it? 

To begin with what I tried this year.
 I tried to do some of the the challenges that were set out at Get It Scrapped and to a large extent I was successful. I did a couple of the blogging challenges- this one included although I hadn't sort of worked out what Tami had in mind until I pursued it the other day. I should be including in each blog something about one of my favourite things.

Another challenge was the One Month at a Time - this involved creating a scrapbook page for each month. This was far easier to do than one page at a time which was truly beyond me for a couple of reasons. I mean I battle lethargy, laziness and lack of inspiration to do my blog page each day let alone create a page in a book, no matter how small, using paper and glue and pictures. I don't do enough that is interesting or different  to record on paper. And I don't remember to take a photo everyday or even when I do take a few photos the effort to upload them is sometimes far too much for me- slacker I know but at least I know this about myself.
Doing some work in Australia was a "big try" this year and gosh was that a BIG effort. The journeys home cost both time and money and endless hours in planes. This was merely to be accredited. Then the work began and that took endless hours and the organizational skills of a general- avoiding being in two places at the same time and having the knowledge of the school's data not only understood but applying it to the school I was standing in at that particular moment. It could have been far messier than it was. Then after all the traipsing around one had to write a seemingly endless report. The first one taking a week but by the fifth one I was down to about 2 days. The relief of having them all done was great but then there was the to-ing and fro-ing between departments. Lordy, lordy that certainly added to the drama.  And finally this week- like two days ago- I got paid for that month-that-felt-like-a-year's work. Yay!
This post could go on but I should look at what I want to try in 2011...hhmmmm
  •  Masterful Scrapbook Design- I have joined this "class" with Debbie but really haven't utilized it to the extent to which it provides.
  • Philosophy/ thinking- something along these lines as I do enjoy the "chewing of the fat" about ideas.
  • Singing- there's a couple of groups/classes that may be interesting as I am always at least singing in my head
  • Photography- the wonderful class Sue gave me for my birthday is keeping me going with inspiration and ideas. Here is some of Henri Besson Cartier images
  • Blogging- the idea if I am awake I can blog has really been working for me and I have managed to find some great new inspirations from doing this blogging challenge and visiting other people's blogs. Thank you to those who share so much of themselves and their ideas.
  • Theatre- somehow some way I am going to do find some thing I can do in a theatre! Perhaps an acting course... hmmm
And so to my favourite thing for this day- I am 17 days behind and only 8 days to go but hey never too late... do I start at the beginning of the list that Tami shared or do I go to December 18? I need to photograph aspects of them so I can post them. I could take the list with me and photograph them in advance ready for the day and/or I could do two things each day and then I'd almost catch up!

These are a few of my Favorite things section
Today's is favourite place to shop...tricky that it for clothes- that would be Lord and Taylor or perhaps Soho Woman but the people in there are tad intense. I'll need a photo of Lord & Taylor- oh darn I'll have to go to the shop for that! The other places that are my favourite shops...cos shopping is one of my favourite things...
  • Michaels or Lees Art Shop for crafting supplies
  • Fresh Direct for household products and groceries- you don't have to lift things and it comes straight to your front door
  • The Apple store!
An even more interesting list would be my not so favourite in fact shops I loath list!
Better get going to Lord and Taylor for the photo of course!


Terry said...

hurray for you for keeping up with these posts. I'm in Masterful Scrapbook Design too and really haven't utilized it to it's fullest extent. On my to do list for next year.

Barb said...

Good golly, Celia!! This post is deep!! I think you are doing great with all this. There seem to be a lot of changes in store for you even at that!! But they all sound so positive!!!

I am particularly interested in the blogging. I am really slack. I mean well, I just don't get to it!! Not sure I am at the change point you are where I am willing to really commit to daily.

But you at least have me thinking about it!! LOL I have a few days before the new year to really decide? Why rush into it. Right?

Elizabeth Marie said...

I had all sorts of things to say about this wonderful post, but I lost it all when I read, "...but the people in there are tad intense," when you were writing about Soho Women as one of your favorite places to shop. I had to laugh because I've left glorious stores when the proprietors or employees seem too intense.

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