Friday, December 24, 2010

Daze Twenty Three December

Is that possible? In just over a week it will be 2011...the year is truly rushing to an end but I actually don't feel rushed. The Christmas shopping is pretty well done, wrapped and under the tree. The Fresh Direct order arrived last night so most of the food is in the house- just the turkey and a couple of little bits to get today and that's done...well not done as such still got to do the cooking... but the things that usually stress me out at this time are dealt with. Savouring the moments is on the top of todays list and every other day in 2010.
And so to the reverb10 prompt which I will endeavour to savour...

New name.
Let's meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why?

Before entering the spirit of this I kinda wonder what it has to do with "reflecting on your year and manifesting what’s next. Using the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead."as is the mission of reverb10.

I thought perhaps it was linked to the Scottish tradition of Hogmanay  where " an old tradition that still is relevant today is that of the first footer which is said, that whoever the first person to set foot into your home on New Year's day decided the family's luck for the rest of the year. This was based on the belief in the magic power of beginnings. The start of the New Year controlled its future course.
The person most welcome on new year's morning was a tall, dark haired man and especially if he bought a gift as this was considered magical as his handsome features would make the year a pleasant one and his gift of a loaf of bread, or a shovel of coal would ensure that there would be no lack of food or warmth in the household. Any other type of person who was to set foot in your home on New Year’s morning would spell disaster. Therefore people would subtly arrange for the right person to arrive." 

I had a vague idea that perhaps it was the tall dark stranger that I was preparing myself to meet and so would have a new image, a new name and new year. I decided that the idea and prompter needed a little extra bit of investigation so I checked out the work of Becca Wilcott and she has written an unofficial  guide to True Blood which I have never seen but had a vague idea it was about vampires. Sure enough a little research proved me correct. I do need to explain a little of my thinking here... I vaguely remembered the idea that went around that you could work out your "stripper" name for fun (or profit if you wished)- you take the name of your first pet as your first name and you childhood home's street name as your last name and so I would be "Skippy Bruce- Stripper Extraordinaire".
This led me onto exploring what my vampire name might be- a quick google found lots of places that would happily provide via an in depth survey- about 10 questions- my very own vampire name. Here are the two results.
  1. You are a lonely person, you prefer to be on your own and like to think. You are clever but you have unrealised potential. You need to get out there and talk to people, make some friends and have some fun. Eamanula Skiittzu
  2. You're Gwendolyn! You're odd and caring- and completely hilarious! You love to make others laugh and you enjoy just being yourself. You're a little weird, but people like you.
 So I could call myself Gwendolyn or Eamanula- sublime to the ridiculous really.Perhaps I am really weird with unrealized potential.

And so back to what started this thinking renaming myself to introduce myself to strangers for just one day- I know this is boring but I wouldn't I love my name. It has such a strong history that I wouldn't change it for the world. I am named after an aunt of my father's, my great aunt Cecilia. I was born on St Cecilia's day and serendipitously I ended up working in the same teaching service with the exact same name as the aunt after whom I was named. I am a bit musical and so why on earth would I contemplate changing my name. I have had it for so long it is so much a part of me unless of course I changed only my title to perhaps  Queen or President. Marchioness Cecilia has a pleasant ring to it!

 Quote that caught my eye ...Define your own road in life. I guess that is what I have been trying to do

The favourite things section

Favourite person I like seeing during the holidays... I could have said Santa or any range of people but truly the person I like... love seeing during the holidays is my sister. She and I finish each others sentences, look pretty much alike, like so many of the same things but are as different in some ways as chalk and cheese. And she is here this year Yay!

Favourite place I like to visit during the holidays. Lots of places I love to see and be in during this time of year but the place I think I love the most is Aireys Inlet and our holiday house. I haven't managed to be there for summer for a long time but even in the winter (June) it is still a glorious place to be.


Barb said...

Another great blog today, Celia. Love reading where your brain goes!! So glad your sister is there for the holidays. It should be a very happy time for you. Enjoy, my friend!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I love your thoughts about the name prompt. My own stripper name would be (ahahahahahaha!!!) Muffin Forest.

I so enjoyed this.

embeeuu said...

Loved all this, Celia. My name would be Pussy Byzantine. Mmmmmmm.

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