Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday in the middle

Tami set the challenge to write about the day to day stuff that is happening at this mid point in the month.

My Sunday was hardly day to day it being the end of the Aireys Writers Festival or Festival of Words.

Jude and I started the day with a workshop on short fiction. I actually don't like short stories- I get frustrated with them- they finish too soon for me usually so why do the workshop? It seemed like a good idea and it worked out quite well but what it really pointed out to me is that if I am going to do some serious writing (as in writing to be published) I need to be more disciplined and to actually write something..... soon perhaps.

After the workshop we all met up (Michele, Sue Jude and I) at A La Greque a great restaurant in Aireys that is closed over the winter, I usually miss having a meal there. It was a great meal and Allan Campion a food writer was the speaker and provided great insight into his experiences as a chef and writer. So in all a great end to the weekend.

Now it's back to a little more reality with getting last minute things done- like washing and packing and seeing the last groups of people who have booked me up before flying back to NYC via Santa Fe, on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Goodie goodie! I will be the first to buy your books!! Can;t wait. So get writing, girlie!!!

I am like you, short doesn't interest me. And DH and I get involved in books we read that we think often of the characters through the day...sickos I know, but reading is such fun for us!

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