Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday Savouries

Tania picked Savory Sunday as the focus today, because she was guessing that Sunday is usually a day centered around food with family gathered around

Usually on Sunday? not too sure about what is usual... need to think about that but traditionally Sunday as a child was the Sunday roast ... the aroma of roast lamb and veges... roast potatoes.... self saucing chocolate pudding ....great! The dishes! The baking dish!

On this particular Sunday that aroma and image certainly came to mind. Saturday night was a family roast lamb meal with Andrew, Lynne, Nick and Kate and a lovely leisurely (for us not for Lynne) evening at their place in Patterson Lakes.
The view from Andrew and Lynne's lounge room

But this Sunday wasn't a roast and nor was it spent with the whole family but instead it was spent eating and with the neighbours from my childhood. A pot luck lunch that was fabulous both in tastes and company.
We gathered at Brooklyn, Maggie Fooke's "new" Bed and Breakfast. It is a lovely renovated place called Brooklyn Arts Hotel. Sandra and Maggie at the entrance to the Brooklyn Arts Hotel
So much work has gone into getting it up and running and we had the benefit of being able to sit nine around a lovely large old table and share a great meal. Michele and Cheryl brought soup so delicious carrot soup and then pumpkin soup to start.
Kate made her mother's recipe of lamb stew and Sandra made a chicken casserole.
The Fooke's lamb stew
I made a chocolate ripple cake- memories of childhood again. An easy recipe except note to self don't use fat free cream- waste of effort and a possible oxymoron trying to have healthy cream! I guess it is hard to go wrong with whipped cream and chocolate ripple biscuits but I almost achieved the impossible by a near disaster with it- the cream just wasn't/wouldn't whip enough but it made it to the table and everyone ate it without complaint.
A great feed on a chilly Sunday. The conversation ranged around and then focussed on each person there sharing stories of what they were doing or had done to get to where they were now. Cheryl kept notes so I hope we all get to hear/ see what she comes up with. The kitchen has an old world small, country kitchen feel
Stories were told of childhood memories, Michele has managed to put some on her blog.

The meal focus for the day continued with a quick call in to Sue's at home Pizza night (only managed a quick drink there) then we headed to Sue in Doncaster for a lovely roast dinner. So I managed to get my roast lamb on a Sunday.
I just love how everyone makes sure we get as many feeds of lamb while we're home!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Celia I just love this blog. I love the homey feel of all the places.

I am glad you are getting all that lamb!! I don't know about NY but around my area we don't get that many offerings of it! And I am sure it wouldn't compare to your treasures!!!

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